Previously known as Apple Pie.
Why the name change?
A freshly baked pie with a rich gooey apple filling.
【Manufacturers translation】
WORLD FAMOUS IN JAPAN - JERK Apple Pie is the perfect replica of fresh baked apple pie filled with gooey culinary apples. Our masterful flavour hits you with fresh baked crust that serves as a welcoming gift to all stealth vapers and dessert connoisseurs alike who seek luxurious flavours. A great e-liquid blend to satisfy your sweet tooth every once in a while.
【JERK - アップル パイ】
【RRP - $29.95 NZD / ¥2,300】
You can try this flavour in freebase,here!
Contains propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, natural and artificial flavours, and nicotine. Product is ready to vape, does not require any additional PG, VG, or nicotine. |
Tastes like a burnt apple pie that's been left outside and thrown up on. Pretty nasty flavour, and fairly harsh. By far the worst of the jerk pack.
It's disgusting I am holding back vomit as I write this please just end my suffering it tastes so bad and the taste simply will not disappear from my mouth just make this end
My new adv. Perfect apple pie filling with a hint of cinnamon, sweet and smooth.
You can taste this flavour very easily, it doesn't hold back. My main criticism is it's a little heavy on the cinnamon aspect of the apple pie flavour. Wish it tasted more like apple with just a hint of cinnamon. The cinnamon flavour also makes it a little harsh on your throat. I've tasted the whole jerk salts range at the same nic level and this one is deffs the harshest.
One of the best sweet apple flavoured salts I have tried. Really nice and smooth with a great taste.
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